K31 Rifles

LPR Gunsmithing has started to perform a number of special services
on Schmidt Rubin K31 Rifles. We are also selling semi-finished, semi-inletted target stocks for the K31. Below is a basic description of these services, prices, and a few pictures of rifles and stocks that we have built. We hope that this page will help you understand the work we perform on these rifles. If you have any questions please contact us by email or phone.

Rebarreled Swiss K31 Rifles

The links below contain pictures of two K31s rebarreled by LPR

K31 Conversion with Military Stock

K31 Conversion with Finished Walnut Stock

Barrel Work

Because of the complex angles and cuts at the breech end of the K31 barrel, a bushing must be made from the old barrel in order to fit the new barrel. This adds an additional cost to the initial rebarreling of the rifle. This is a one-time cost and does not have to be repeated for any subsequent rebarreling.

Convert original barrel to accept replacement barrel $150
Install customers barrel $325
All barrels must have minimum breech diameter of 1.100” and have a straight
section 2.500 long or longer at the breech end to be used as a replacement barrel.

In House Barrels:
Krieger Stainless (28″ or less):  $650
Douglas Chrome Moly (26″ or less):  $455.00

Barrels by other manufacturers (Does not include cost of barrel): $323.00
Blue chrom-moly barrel:  $45.00
Blue chrom-moly barrel and action:  $75.00
Barrel installation prices included all breech cuts and crown
Special Contours and Drilling & Tapping are Extra
See Price Guide for cost of upgrades to above barrels.

Cartridge Selection
Cartridges with a 308 Winchester diameter (0.475”) base work well in the K31. We have used 308 Winchester, or its variants, and they feed, extract, and eject correctly in the K31. When using these cases we suggest a small base full length sizing die to ease extraction. 284 Winchester or 30-284 using 7.5 Swiss brass are a good choice as well.

Sights and Sight Bases

LPR manufactures RPA and Redfield type sight bases for the K31. Sights with extra windage such as the RPA Trakker are recommended for use on these rifles. Redfield type sights can be used but leave little windage adjustment on the right side.

LPR have a limited supply of converted Parker Hale PH5A receiver sights available with Sure-X type aperture. These sights have plenty of windage and are a good sight for the K31 for a reasonable price.

Parker Hale PH5A receiver sights

RPA or Redfield receiver sight base for K31: $50
RPA base will except PH5A sight listed below

Parker Hale PH5A sight; polished, re-blued and refitted: $275
Parker Hale PH5A sight, refitted but not polished and re-blued: $200